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Effective Tcl/Tk Programming: Writing Better Programs with Tcl and Tk
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From the Inside Flap
Preface It's easy to get started with Tcl/Tk. Just follow the steps in Appendix A to obtain the wish program and start it up. Then type in a few lines of code, like this:% button .b -text "Hello, World!" -command exit => .b% pack .b You'll see the Hello, World! button appear as soon as you enter the pack command. On Windows 95, it will look like this: You don't have to edit any makefiles or fight with a compiler. You don't need to know everything about the X window system or the Microsoft Foundation Classes. You don't need to wade through pounds of confusing documents to find symbols, such as XA_FONT_NAME. Instead, you type a few lines of Tcl code and immediately see the results. As you learn more about the Tk widgets, you can write lots of simple programs. With a text widget and 100 lines of Tcl code, you can put together a program for sending electronic mail (e-mail) messages. With a canvas widget and 200 lines of Tcl code, you can create a simple drawing editor. A few other Tcl/Tk books will help you get started. John Ousterhout's Tcl and the Tk Toolkit starts with a complete overview of the Tcl language and then goes on to describe each of the Tk widgets. The book even describes how to add new functionality to Tcl/Tk by integrating your own C code into the wish program. Brent Welch's book Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk is another good source of Tcl/Tk code examples. After reading one of the introductory Tcl/Tk books, you will be well acquainted with the nuts and bolts. But you may not have a good understanding of how they fit together to make an application. We wrote this book to pick up where the others leave off. We assume that you understand some of the Tcl language and that you've written a few simple Tcl/Tk programs. If not, you can pick it up as you read along. But instead of explaining the basics, we focus on areas that are commonly misunderstood-such as the pack command, the bind mechanism, and the canvas widget. We not only explain how these things work but also show how you can use them to build powerful applications.We explain how the packer works and then show how you can use itto create a tabbed notebook that displays "pages" of widgets. We explain how binding tags work and then show how you can usethem to handle the modes in a drawing editor. We explain how the canvas works and then show how you can use itto build a progress gauge, a color wheel, and a calendar. Along the way, we describe the lessons that we've learned from developing many thousands of lines of Tcl/Tk code. We show you software architectures and programming techniques that will make your Tcl/Tk code easier to maintain. For example, we show how toCreate client/server applications Package Tcl/Tk code into libraries of reusable components Use lists and arrays as data structures Handle common quoting problems Above all else, we try to present a holistic view of application development. In Chapter 1, we show you how to go about designing an application--from the initial concept to a working prototype to a finished product. Throughout the book, we develop several useful applications: a desktop calculator, a drawing editor, and a daily calendar that will store all of your appointments. In Chapter 8, we show you how to add polish to your finished applications and how to deliver them to customers. In the course of this book, we develop more than two dozen useful components, including a toolbar, a paned window, a balloon help facility, and a confirmation dialog. We provide complete source code for these components in the software that accompanies this book. You can download this software from the site awl/cp/efftcl/efftcl.html. We encourage you to study these examples and to use them to build your own Tcl/Tk applications! All of the examples in this book have been carefully designed to work with all recent versions of Tcl/Tk, including: Tcl 7.5 / Tk 4.1 Tcl 7.6 / Tk 4.2 Tcl 8.0 / Tk 8.0 The examples should work with later releases as well. Most of our experience with Tcl/Tk comes from UNIX-based systems, so you will see a lot of references to UNIX throughout the book. But Tcl/Tk is not limited to UNIX systems. The Tcl 8.0 / Tk 8.0 release works cross-platform on UNIX, Windows 95/NT/3.1, and Macintosh systems. Almost all of our examples work identically on all three platforms. (Of course, some examples rely on such programs as /usr/lib/sendmail, which are available only on a UNIX system. Those examples will not work cross-platform without some modification.) Throughout the book, we've included screen snapshots from the various platforms to highlight the cross-platform capability. Acknowledgments Many people have made this book possible. Thanks to John Ousterhout and his team at Sun Microsystems for creating such a marvelous toolkit. Thanks to Mike Hendrickson and the staff at Addison Wesley Longman for their encouragement and support in producing this book. Thanks to Brian Kernighan for nudging us in the right direction and for his careful reviews and helpful comments. Thanks to Don Libes, Jeff Korn, Jeffrey Hobbs, and Jim Ingham for uncovering a number of weak spots in our material. Thanks to Evelyn Pyle for her meticulous proofreading and for smoothing out the wrinkles in our grammar. And thanks to all of the other reviewers who have made this work stronger: Ron Hutchins, Raymond Johnson, Steve Johnson, Oliver Jones, Joe Konstan, David Richardson, Alexei Rodriguez, and Win Treese. Mark Harrison would like to thank his many colleagues at DSC Communications Corporation for their involvement and for their practical suggestions about incorporating Tcl into mission-critical products. In particular, Mark Ulferts and Kris Raney were especially helpful in this regard. Michael McLennan would like to thank Sani Nassif for getting him started with Tcl/Tk; George Howlett for teaching him much of what he knows about software; John Tauke for making Tcl/Tk development a legitimate business activity at Bell Labs; Kishore Singhal, Prasad Subramaniam, and the management at Bell Labs for supporting this work; Joan Wendland, his friend and mentor; and Maria, Maxwell and Katie, for making him smile. Mark Harrison Michael McLennan September 1997 0201634740P04062001
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From the Back Cover
You need a graphical user interface, and it needs to run on multiple platforms. You don't have much time, and you're not a wizard with X/Motif, the Win32 GUI, or the Mac GUI. The project seems impossible, but with Tcl/Tk it's simple and fun. The Tcl scripting language and the Tk toolkit create a powerful programming environment for building graphical user interfaces. With two lines of code you can create a simple button; with two hundred lines of code, a desktop calculator; and with a thousand lines of code, an industrial-strength groupware calendar and appointment minder. Your applications run on all of the major platforms: UNIX, Windows 95/NT, and Macintosh. You can even embed your programs in a Web page to make them available online. Mark Harrison and Michael McLennan, two noted Tcl/Tk experts, combine their extensive experience in this practical programming guide. It is ideal for developers who are acquainted with the basics of Tcl/Tk and are now moving on to build real applications. Effective Tcl/Tk Programming shows you how to build Tcl/Tk applications effectively and efficiently through plenty of real-world advice. It clarifies some of the more powerful aspects of Tcl/Tk, such as the packer, the canvas widget, and binding tags. The authors describe valuable design strategies and coding techniques that will make your Tcl/Tk projects successful. You will learn how to: Create interactive displays with the canvas widget Create customized editors with the text widget Create new geometry managers, like tabbed notebooks or paned windows Implement client/server architectures Handle data structures Interface with existing applications Package Tcl/Tk code into reusable libraries Deliver Tcl/Tk applications that are easy to configure and install Embed applications in a Web page Build applications that will run on multiple platforms Throughout the book, the authors develop numerous applications and a library of reusable components. Learn from their approach, follow their strategies, and steal their code for your own applications! But don't bother retyping all of the examples. 0201634740B04062001
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See all Editorial Reviews
Product details
Paperback: 432 pages
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional; 1 edition (December 18, 1997)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9780201634747
ISBN-13: 978-0201634747
ASIN: 0201634740
Product Dimensions:
7.2 x 1 x 9.1 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.4 out of 5 stars
18 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#421,585 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
I think this is and still is the standard of tcl/tk gui creating books out there. It also can help as most of these same TCL gui's are used in newer languages like perl/python, so learning it here can help down the road. Just a good old reference on TCL/TK. It's an old book, i think written in the Solaris heydays, as there are a lot of unix references, but i think it's still a valid reference.
I have been buying books on TK programming (Perl and TCL). and most left me cold, with no real understanding of how TK works. I just followed the examples (most not practical) like a recipe without knowing the why of most steps, meaning I wasn't able to writes my own GUIs for my own specific needs other than by trial and error.This is the best book I have found, BY FAR.Just having the pack command explained allowed me to start creating my own applications which came close to what I was aiming for in the first try. The USEFUL examples are explained in detail so that you not only understand how and why they work, but you immediately get ideas for applications you would never have thought of, much less have attempted to write.If you want to write practical, useful, and impressive GUIs, buy this book now.
This would be a good book for an intro course in Tcl. The examples build on each other - so as you work through the book you keep developing the same application into something pretty advanced. It's great if you've got time to work through all the exercises, but I don't think this is a good Tcl reference by itself. The index is not the best and it's hard to find correct syntax for commands. Also, it's definitely not a complete reference. Many commands don't appear or are mentioned only very briefly. For example, creating checkboxes and handling lists. I'm a complete Tcl beginner and I needed to learn some specific things for work. I ended up finding the commands and syntax help I needed online.
Well written...
It's a must read book for all Tcl/Tk programmers. Certainly, it focuses on Tk, so it would be very valueable for current Python/Tk and Perl/Tk users.
Once you have mastered tha basics of TCL/TK, then this book is a must read. It covers some very elegant programming techniques that are possible in an interpreted language, such as TCL.
I've owned a few Tcl/TK books over the last 15 or so years and this one is pretty much the best.Some books carry on about the language and are almost reference books - which is fine for a while, but if you actually want to program then this book has oodles of examples that and relevant, reasonably complex (not just snippets) and broad in their application.My own use of Tcl/TK was for embedding in other applications I'd written and this book covers that too which most don't.This book also covers extending the language, which many other books don't.This book also covers Tcl comms and IO really well, something other books miss altogether.Finally this book talking about how to use Tcl/Tk as a stand alone language for you programming and it does that well too.Also, many books spend an inordinate amount of time on Tk (which might be what you're after) but Tk crops up in (ie has been ported to) Perl, Python and other languages which you might get to understand better from other books. However for the total language use (not reference or overview) this book is the best.The writing style is transparent (ie doesn't get in the way) and layout is clean and examples abound, which is what most people want.
You can quickly start creating window apps using tk/tcl. This tends to result in poorly structured non-reusable code.This books intention is not to teach you tk/tcl but to guide you to a style that will increase your productivity by an order of magnitude by showing how to create libraries that you can drop into any app (as a bonus it also includes many useful code examples which you can use to start this library.)It focuses more on the tk side as the authors demonstrate how to build cross-platform window apps with networking capability. A worthwhile addition to any tk/tcl proagrammers bookshelf.
i find the title of this book, and its promise, to be a bit misleading. it focuses on tk with little about tcl specifics in there. i find myself not using this book very often except when i have to do something tricky in tk. i program in tcl every day, but i don't do much tk anymore.you wont learn tcl/tk from this, but you may pick up some great tk organization and features.i'd say this book is overpriced, too, so see if you can buy it used.if you're looking at getting a book to make you an advanced tcl programmer, i'd look elsewhere first.
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